::p_load(poLCA, ggplot2, plotly, tidyverse)
<- read_csv("data/touristdata_clean.csv") df
Clustering Analysis
Load Packages and Data
Latent Class Analysis
As poLCA expects all variables to start at level 1, dichotomous variables that are currently in 0/1 format need to be recoded as 1/2.
Continuous variables also need to be binned into categories of relatively similar sizes.
In addition, variables with imbalance classification will be recoded into broader (and fewer) categories.
Lastly, some of the categories are dropped if they are deemed to be less useful for use in classification.
<- df %>%
df_clustering select(!code) %>%
select(!country) %>%
mutate(package_transport_int = recode(package_transport_int,
`1` = 2,
`0` = 1)) %>%
mutate(package_accomodation = recode(package_accomodation,
`1` = 2,
`0` = 1)) %>%
mutate(package_food = recode(package_food,
`1` = 2,
`0` = 1)) %>%
mutate(package_transport_tz = recode(package_transport_tz,
`1` = 2,
`0` = 1)) %>%
mutate(package_sightseeing = recode(package_sightseeing,
`1` = 2,
`0` = 1)) %>%
mutate(package_guided_tour = recode(package_guided_tour,
`1` = 2,
`0` = 1)) %>%
mutate(package_insurance = recode(package_insurance,
`1` = 2,
`0` = 1)) %>%
mutate(first_trip_tz = recode(first_trip_tz,
`1` = 2,
`0` = 1)) %>%
mutate(duration = cut(total_night_spent, breaks = c(0, 7, Inf),
labels = c("Within_1_week", "More_than_1_week"))) %>%
mutate(mainland_zanzibar = cut(prop_night_spent_mainland,
breaks = c(0, 0.5, Inf), right = F,
labels = c("zanzibar", "mainland"))) %>%
mutate(travel_with = recode(travel_with,
`Children` = "ImmediateFamily",
`Spouse` = "ImmediateFamily",
`Spouse and Children` = "ImmediateFamily")) %>%
select(!total_female) %>%
select(!total_male) %>%
filter(total_tourist > 0) %>%
mutate(total_tourist = cut(total_tourist,
breaks = c(0,1,2,Inf),
labels = c("1", "2", "3+"))) %>%
filter(purpose != "Other") %>%
mutate(purpose = recode(purpose,
`Business` = "Non-Leisure",
`Leisure and Holidays` = "Leisure",
`Meetings and Conference` = "Non-Leisure",
`Scientific and Academic` = "Non-Leisure",
`Visiting Friends and Relatives` = "Leisure",
`Volunteering` = "Non-Leisure")) %>%
select(!main_activity) %>%
mutate(info_source = recode(info_source,
`Friends, relatives` = "Word-of-Mouth",
`inflight magazines` = "Others",
`Newspaper, magazines,brochures` = "Others",
`others` = "Others",
`Radio, TV, Web` = "Others",
`Tanzania Mission Abroad` = "Others",
`Trade fair` = "Others",
`Travel, agent, tour operator` = "Travel agents")) %>%
select(!night_mainland) %>%
select(!night_zanzibar) %>%
select(!total_night_spent) %>%
select(!prop_night_spent_mainland) %>%
mutate(payment_mode = recode(payment_mode,
`Cash` = "Cash",
`Credit Card` = "Non-Cash",
`Other` = "Non-Cash",
`Travellers Cheque` = "Non-Cash")) %>%
select(!most_impressing) %>%
mutate(total_cost = cut(total_cost,
breaks = c(0, 800000, 3550000, 9950000, Inf),
right = F,
labels = c("800k or less", "800k - 3.55mil",
"3.55mil - 9.95mil",
"More than 9.95mil")))
Once the data set is cleaned, all variables are converted into factors and checked to ensure that there are no missing values.
##ensure all variables are factors
-1] <- lapply(df_clustering[-1], factor)
##ensure no missing values
sapply(df_clustering, function(x) sum(is.na(x)))
ID region age_group
0 0 0
travel_with total_tourist purpose
0 0 0
info_source tour_arrangement package_transport_int
0 0 0
package_accomodation package_food package_transport_tz
0 0 0
package_sightseeing package_guided_tour package_insurance
0 0 0
payment_mode first_trip_tz total_cost
0 0 0
duration mainland_zanzibar
0 0
We can then proceed to run the model by specifying the the number of classes we want and the number of repeats we will run for the model. If the number of repeats > 1 (i.e. more than 1 run of the model is done), it means that a global search was done to obtain the lowest BIC score.
<- as.formula(cbind(region, age_group, travel_with, total_tourist, purpose,
info_source, tour_arrangement, package_transport_int,
package_accomodation, package_food, package_transport_tz,
package_sightseeing, package_guided_tour,
package_insurance, payment_mode, first_trip_tz,~1)
total_cost, duration, mainland_zanzibar)
##latent class analysis specifying 3 classes
##the more classes and variables there are, the longer it takes to run
##can consider limiting the nclass to between 2-7
##limit nrep to between 1 to 5
<- poLCA(f, df_clustering, nclass=7, nrep=5, maxiter=5000) LCA_model
Model 1: llik = -46192.65 ... best llik = -46192.65
Model 2: llik = -46192.96 ... best llik = -46192.65
Model 3: llik = -46230.21 ... best llik = -46192.65
Model 4: llik = -46407.38 ... best llik = -46192.65
Model 5: llik = -46575.45 ... best llik = -46192.65
Conditional item response (column) probabilities,
by outcome variable, for each class (row)
Pr(1) Pr(2) Pr(3) Pr(4) Pr(5)
class 1: 0.0149 0.3204 0.0424 0.5507 0.0717
class 2: 0.1801 0.0090 0.0406 0.7513 0.0190
class 3: 0.0039 0.3514 0.0982 0.3924 0.1541
class 4: 0.7875 0.0460 0.0833 0.0766 0.0066
class 5: 0.2764 0.1393 0.0917 0.4692 0.0234
class 6: 0.0863 0.2057 0.1496 0.5289 0.0294
class 7: 0.1848 0.1407 0.1447 0.5102 0.0196
Pr(1) Pr(2) Pr(3) Pr(4)
class 1: 0.0437 0.3619 0.4366 0.1578
class 2: 0.0840 0.5948 0.2981 0.0230
class 3: 0.2014 0.3691 0.2894 0.1400
class 4: 0.0527 0.6791 0.2473 0.0209
class 5: 0.1393 0.5564 0.2709 0.0334
class 6: 0.2881 0.5227 0.1710 0.0182
class 7: 0.3204 0.4375 0.2124 0.0297
Pr(1) Pr(2) Pr(3)
class 1: 0.0000 0.2643 0.7357
class 2: 0.0021 0.3103 0.6876
class 3: 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
class 4: 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
class 5: 0.0012 0.4995 0.4993
class 6: 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
class 7: 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Pr(1) Pr(2) Pr(3)
class 1: 0 0.6568 0.3432
class 2: 0 0.6838 0.3162
class 3: 1 0.0000 0.0000
class 4: 1 0.0000 0.0000
class 5: 0 0.6785 0.3215
class 6: 1 0.0000 0.0000
class 7: 1 0.0000 0.0000
Pr(1) Pr(2)
class 1: 0.9883 0.0117
class 2: 0.9520 0.0480
class 3: 1.0000 0.0000
class 4: 0.2998 0.7002
class 5: 0.7611 0.2389
class 6: 0.7184 0.2816
class 7: 0.5279 0.4721
Pr(1) Pr(2) Pr(3)
class 1: 0.1168 0.7669 0.1162
class 2: 0.2056 0.6495 0.1448
class 3: 0.1355 0.7384 0.1261
class 4: 0.3433 0.1204 0.5363
class 5: 0.3349 0.1675 0.4976
class 6: 0.3382 0.1272 0.5347
class 7: 0.3114 0.4095 0.2790
Pr(1) Pr(2)
class 1: 0.0068 0.9932
class 2: 0.0147 0.9853
class 3: 0.0066 0.9934
class 4: 0.9951 0.0049
class 5: 0.9965 0.0035
class 6: 1.0000 0.0000
class 7: 0.0200 0.9800
Pr(1) Pr(2)
class 1: 0.3538 0.6462
class 2: 0.0956 0.9044
class 3: 0.5913 0.4087
class 4: 0.9951 0.0049
class 5: 0.9969 0.0031
class 6: 0.9984 0.0016
class 7: 0.4459 0.5541
Pr(1) Pr(2)
class 1: 0.0194 0.9806
class 2: 0.0428 0.9572
class 3: 0.0033 0.9967
class 4: 1.0000 0.0000
class 5: 0.9961 0.0039
class 6: 1.0000 0.0000
class 7: 0.0235 0.9765
Pr(1) Pr(2)
class 1: 0.0919 0.9081
class 2: 0.1008 0.8992
class 3: 0.0223 0.9777
class 4: 1.0000 0.0000
class 5: 1.0000 0.0000
class 6: 1.0000 0.0000
class 7: 0.1544 0.8456
Pr(1) Pr(2)
class 1: 0.0975 0.9025
class 2: 0.3004 0.6996
class 3: 0.0428 0.9572
class 4: 1.0000 0.0000
class 5: 1.0000 0.0000
class 6: 1.0000 0.0000
class 7: 0.3635 0.6365
Pr(1) Pr(2)
class 1: 0.1163 0.8837
class 2: 0.8326 0.1674
class 3: 0.0718 0.9282
class 4: 1.0000 0.0000
class 5: 1.0000 0.0000
class 6: 1.0000 0.0000
class 7: 0.7637 0.2363
Pr(1) Pr(2)
class 1: 0.1209 0.8791
class 2: 0.7732 0.2268
class 3: 0.0754 0.9246
class 4: 0.9990 0.0010
class 5: 1.0000 0.0000
class 6: 1.0000 0.0000
class 7: 0.6311 0.3689
Pr(1) Pr(2)
class 1: 0.6215 0.3785
class 2: 0.6575 0.3425
class 3: 0.7316 0.2684
class 4: 1.0000 0.0000
class 5: 1.0000 0.0000
class 6: 1.0000 0.0000
class 7: 0.8335 0.1665
Pr(1) Pr(2)
class 1: 0.8255 0.1745
class 2: 0.8702 0.1298
class 3: 0.8905 0.1095
class 4: 0.8741 0.1259
class 5: 0.8455 0.1545
class 6: 0.9014 0.0986
class 7: 0.8927 0.1073
Pr(1) Pr(2)
class 1: 0.0904 0.9096
class 2: 0.1829 0.8171
class 3: 0.0728 0.9272
class 4: 0.7068 0.2932
class 5: 0.3617 0.6383
class 6: 0.3580 0.6420
class 7: 0.2452 0.7548
Pr(1) Pr(2) Pr(3) Pr(4)
class 1: 0.0401 0.1024 0.1873 0.6701
class 2: 0.0398 0.1095 0.4077 0.4429
class 3: 0.0745 0.1395 0.5172 0.2689
class 4: 0.6345 0.3295 0.0321 0.0040
class 5: 0.2436 0.3584 0.2961 0.1020
class 6: 0.2388 0.5147 0.2195 0.0269
class 7: 0.1815 0.2345 0.4914 0.0925
Pr(1) Pr(2)
class 1: 0.2783 0.7217
class 2: 0.6261 0.3739
class 3: 0.4131 0.5869
class 4: 0.8709 0.1291
class 5: 0.4567 0.5433
class 6: 0.2009 0.7991
class 7: 0.4688 0.5312
Pr(1) Pr(2)
class 1: 0.0667 0.9333
class 2: 0.7485 0.2515
class 3: 0.0245 0.9755
class 4: 0.0109 0.9891
class 5: 0.2049 0.7951
class 6: 0.1288 0.8712
class 7: 0.0839 0.9161
Estimated class population shares
0.2199 0.1044 0.0999 0.2073 0.1848 0.1303 0.0533
Predicted class memberships (by modal posterior prob.)
0.2218 0.1026 0.1019 0.2112 0.1848 0.1266 0.0513
Fit for 7 latent classes:
number of observations: 4622
number of estimated parameters: 209
residual degrees of freedom: 4413
maximum log-likelihood: -46192.65
AIC(7): 92803.3
BIC(7): 94148.96
G^2(7): 21945.37 (Likelihood ratio/deviance statistic)
X^2(7): 48495716 (Chi-square goodness of fit)
Plot BIC score
##in box similar to RSME for regression tree
$bic LCA_model
[1] 94148.96
Plot AIC score
##in box similar to RSME for regression tree
$aic LCA_model
[1] 92803.3
Plot Entropy
- Entropy indicates how accurately the model defines classes. In general, an entropy value close to 1 is ideal and above 0.8 is acceptable. Anything below 0.6 is likely to be a suggestion of poor classification.
##in box similar to RSME for regression tree
<- function(p) sum(-p*log(p))
entropy <- entropy(LCA_model$P)
error_prior <- mean(apply(LCA_model$posterior, c(1,2), entropy), na.rm=T)
error_post <- (error_prior - error_post) / error_prior
LCA_entropy LCA_entropy
[1] 0.9777623
Visualising Results
- The model classification is appended to the original data set for plotting of the variables to compare across the classes.
$class <- LCA_model$predclass
df_clustering$class <- factor(df_clustering$class) df_clustering
##plotting results - change of x only
<- df_clustering %>%
plot_table group_by(purpose, class) %>% ##input x to be charted
summarise(counts = n()) %>%
<- ggplot(plot_table, aes(fill = purpose, y = counts, x = class)) +
p1 geom_bar(position = "fill", stat = "identity")
<- ggplotly(p1)
##alternative chart where x becomes the fill
<- ggplot(plot_table, aes(fill = class, y = counts, x = purpose)) +
p2 geom_bar(position = "fill", stat = "identity")
<- ggplotly(p2)